Resting with the Doctor
Doctor Who that is. Specifically the dreamy newest incarnation played by the dishy David Tennant.When I returned by train from NYC, I stopped in the Hartford Public Library to borrow some DVDs including the second season of Dr. Who. I still feel under the weather and now that the Fox Morning Show is done, I have several days home to rest with the Doctor (oh and the first season of Twin Peaks).
The trip to NYC went well with the highlight being dinner at Zen Palate with Scott T, a former LIA participant who attended the Ex-Gay Survivor Conference this summer. We shared a conversation that left me inspired and contented. You know that feeling after a thoughtful, earnest conversation and yummy food?
Not much to say about the Morning Show (I believe we have links to video at Ex-Gay Watch and Box Turtle Bulletin and in comments to my previous post).
The producer of the segment expressed surprise that Alan Chambers and I were cordial with each other before the show, and how Alan, his wife Leslie and I chatted and caught up. As we witnessed this summer in Irvine, ex-gays and ex-gay survivors share a kinship of sorts. I believe we can allow ourselves to extend compassion and understanding to each other that most folks outside the ex-gay experience may not be able to muster.
It is good to be home though after four weeks away. In addition to the DVDs from the library, I also borrowed Christina GarcĂa's novel, Dreaming in Cuba, which is this year's community read in Hartford. Feels good to read the same book with thousands of my neighbors at the same time. The author will join us on October 26th at the library.
I type this from bed on my Treo 700P and welcome your e-mails as I force myself to stay home and recover for the next few days (although Tina just e-mailed me about a Break-Dance Shakespeare event at Harford Stage (FREE!) that I really can't miss.
Thanks for all your comments (even the snarky ones :-)
Sarky comments? Never!!!
Quite frankly I would be very, very, very, very, very happy snuggled up in bed with the delectable David Tennant. I could do bad things to that man!!!! ;)
Ps) Break-Dance Shakespeare... how cook!!!
You have exellent taste in tv-shows. Hope you give your self lots and lots of rest now.
Ohmigod. I have just watched Torchwood tonight, and now I am dreaming about John Barrowman too!... hmmmm both of them ;)I really am bad.
Glad you're home, Peterson. Missed you lots.
I want to talk to you about the CD you gave me for my birthday -- got some new comments about it.
Lurve to you.
Auntie, I just watched all of Torchwood and the last three seasons of the Dr. over the past couple months... I totally know what you mean ;-) David Tennant was exceptional as their latest pick for The Doctor. Currently jonesing for the next season of Torchwood to come out. Peterson, you should really consider watching Torchwood too if you haven't already, the plot integrates seamlessly with Dr. Who and the characters are all well-developed and interesting (not to mention the fact that most of them are my favorite type of character, highly flawed but essentially good & well-meaning).
I have to agree. If you haven't seen Torchwood you really should.
I like Torchwood, very sexy, very sexy.
Ah, a fellow Whovian! I hadn't thought I *could* enjoy the new series nearly so much as I had the old series. I was wrong. I was so upset to find out that Christopher Eccleston was only to go one season, but am looking forward to watching David Tennant in the role. (No cable, so I watch when I can get my grubby paws on the DVDs)
speaking of the lovely mister tennant and the lovely mister shakespeare, are you aware that the two will be combined in the RSC's summer programme next year when DT will play hamlet? methinks i'm going to be checking that out! have a look on the RSC's website for more details. you could catch the show before popping round to greenbelt!
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